Spectator invited to the II edition of the Congress. Member of MOVE arte para todos.


“MOVE is an initiative that has been proposing collective creations since 2015 where a group of spectators become interpreters of their own story. Through participatory and collective creation processes, those who are usually spectators are brought onto the stage accompanied by a team of specialized artists and mediators. MOVE proposes spaces where you can experience the creative process and educate your vision and sensitivity about what happens on stage. In the creations, workshops and laboratories proposed by MOVE, the viewer is invited not only to make but to question, reflect and open their eyes to other artistic possibilities. The goal of MOVE since its founding is to question what art is, who are artists and where art can be made.
MOVE’s latest creation, MI dance loneliness beyond age, premiered on March 1, 2024. 60 spectators between 14 and 81 years old participated in its creation laboratories with the objectives to investigate through the language of dance-theater their experience of what loneliness is and what it has been in their lives.
The result of these three months of research brought together 20 spectators who, for the first time in their lives, spoke with other spectators from the scene. The result was an immersive site-specific tour, a collective show and an exhibition where the public was invited to be part of the performing group in their dramaturgy about loneliness. The public wrote and was part of the scene. He moved between living paintings and was an active part of the scenic proposal”.

Activities of Adelie Ester

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