Àfora Focus
Àfora is the agora of the Focus GroupAbre en nueva ventana, an area of ​​reflection and activities that, based on the scenic experience, aims to influence artistic, cultural, and social life in the territory of our influence.
Cinthia Arrebola
Spectator invited to the I edition of the Congress. Member of the Mérida Salas de Urgencia project.
Antonella Broglia
Invited expert at the I edition of the Congress. Publicist, cultural promoter, trainer, lecturer, television presenter, and actress expert in political communication, oratory and entrepreneurship and social innovation.
Marta Buchaca
Member of the Advisory Board of the 1st edition of the Congress. Playwright, screenwriter and theater director.
Basma Eleuchi
Spectator invited to the II edition of the Congress. Director of Viv’Art.
Xavier Fina
Member of the Advisory Board of the 1st edition of the Congress. Cultural consultant.
Rusmila Nkene Ochaga Nchama
Spectator invited to the II edition of the Congress. Member of the project TEATRO DE SENSIBILIZACION CONTRA LA VIOLENCIA MACHISTA.
Equatorial Guinea
Rosa Paseggi
Spectator invited to the I edition of the Congress. Oral narrator, member of the Club of Extreme Readers and the School of Spectators of Uruguay.
Tara Seničić
Spectator invited to the 1st edition of the Congress. Participant in the “I wanna go to the theater” project.
Marta Turu
Member of the Advisory Board of the 1st edition of the Congress. Theater spectator and member of TRESC – Community of Culture.